I didn't just close your questions because I felt like it; there were reasons for each closure. Here they are.
Sell GTX 980 in favour of RX 480?Sell GTX 980 in favour of RX 480?
I closed this as primarily opinion based. If you take out the extra details in that post, the base question you're left with is this:Would you sell GTX 980 for RX 480, pros/cons?
I can't see any way of reading that question so that it's not opinion-based - opinions seem to be exactly what you're asking for. Opinion-based questions are generally closed on Stack Exchange because they don't fit the Stack Exchange model, which is built for questions and answers rather than discussion.
This question is also off-topic, even if it wasn't opinion-based - see my explanation below.
Geekbench 3 as performance prediction for gamesGeekbench 3 as performance prediction for games
I used a custom reason to close this one, namely:I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it doesn't appear to be about hardware recommendations.
I did debate between that and using the technical support reason; either would have worked here. There's also potential to use unclear what you're asking. Again removing the extra details, the base question we have is this:
If a certain CPU has twice geekbench score of some other CPU, would it really perform twice better in games?
First off, what's a geekbench? That's a little unclear, if you could add a link to what you're referring to, that would go a long way there.
Second off, and most importantly, the scope of this sitescope of this site is to allow:
- asking for a recommendation of hardware to perform a specific task
- pre-purchase questions, such as specific instances of "what type of hardware do I need?"
The scope of this site does not allow technical support questions, or those that don't ask for one of the above. The question you asked appears to be looking for technical support or a technical analysis of CPU's, which doesn't ask for a recommendation.
Just to clarify:
...put on hold by @ArtOfCode and downvoted, which I'm not sure is justified.
Downvotes are (a) anonymous, and (b) personal - anyone can downvote any post for (almost) any reason. There's deliberately no way to tell who downvoted your post.
The major exception to that rule is serial voting: votes are intended to be for posts, not for users. Voting on posts simply because they've been posted by a specific person isn't allowed. (Note: not saying you're doing that, just noting it down.)