We've started to receive traffic from other sites (Super User in particular).
No, on superuser they said I had to ask it here. So I did that. And that is excactly what I want to know if I shoud buy it or not with my current setup. I don't understand why this is off-topic
- https://hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/504/can-i-run-another-msi-gtx-760-4gb-oc-in-sli-mode-with-my-current-set-up#comment1097_504
How do we communicate with other sites on the network what is and is not on topic here? I know there was similar scope issues surrounding Stack Overflow and Programmers/Code Review. There are also many comment recommendations on SO to use Software Recommendations.
What have the smaller communities, who's scope isn't properly understood completely, done to educate users of the larger site so that they don't receive off topic questions? Can we adapt any of those strategies for our use?